Staff artwork features at Hill and Hunt

a cropping of a painting by Phillip MacDonald

A painting by Phillip MacDonald, Special Collections

The annual Staff Art Show took place in November, showcasing works across diverse forms of media and including dozens of Libraries staff. The Technician even took notice with a nice feature on the show, including an interview with organizer Shaun Bennett.

“[The show] includes everything from music to crayons to woodworking to wood burning,” Bennett told the Technician. “It’s a really wide breadth of skills—a showcase of art in the widest possible sense, created by those who work in the Libraries here at NC State.”

The show ran simultaneously in both the Visualization Gallery at the Hill Library and in the Teaching and Visualization Lab at the Hunt Library. Trevor Thornton in Digital Library Initiatives developed the template for the show to run in the Visualization Gallery.

Staff artists this year included:

  • Darrien Bailey, Learning Spaces & Services
  • Dharini Baskaran, Acquisitions & Discovery
  • Shelly Black, Special Collections
  • Jordan Booth, Operations, Logistics, & Environments
  • Jamie Bradway, Preservation
  • Anne Burke, Learning Spaces & Services
  • Alexa Carter, Research Engagement
  • Jamie Chapman, Operations, Logistics, & Environments
  • Robin Davis, User Experience
  • Mattison Domke-Latz: External Relations
  • Gwen Emery, Administration
  • Yesim Erdmann, Community Engagement
  • Robin Harper, Preservation
  • Katelan Haynes, Operations, Logistics, & Environments
  • Courtney Hewett, Research Engagement
  • Ryan Hunter, Information Technology
  • Colin Keenan, Learning Spaces & Services
  • Kyle Langdon, Learning Spaces & Services
  • Danica Lewis, Collections & Research Strategy
  • Phillip MacDonald, Special Collections
  • Tisha Mentnech, Research Engagement
  • Niqui O'Neill, Digital Library Initiatives
  • Kristen Rivers, Administration
  • Steve Sanders, Information Technology
  • Emily Schmidt, Preservation
  • Cara Smelter, Administration
  • Greg Tourino, Research Engagement
  • Lynn Wittenberg, Acquisitions & Discovery